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The Art Of Having A Strong And Engaging Blog

A couple of weeks ago, we revisited the topic of blog writing and offered our readers a few ways in which they can make their own blogs bigger and better. At MeloTel, we so enjoy writing blogs that we post a new entry almost every business day of the week. Of course, we’re also quite busy posting blogs for a number of our clients. So we do quite a bit of research on a daily basis.

You see, we don’t claim to be experts in all of the different fields we write about. Instead, we’re expert writers and researchers. It’s the job of our talented Bloggers & Creative Writers For Hire to learn the ins and outs of the various companies they write for. That way, they ensure that each of their client’s blogs is a well-informed reading experience.

Do your research!

Even if you do consider yourself an expert in your field, it’s wise to research like-minded business professionals to validate your blog that much more. In many cases, our writers won’t just research material, but they will cite it in a blog to maximize the strength of the points they’re making. As Dan Shewan accurately explains on, every blog you write should take a fair bit of effort.

“The entire process of writing a blog post often takes more than a couple of hours, even if you can type eighty words per minute and your writing skills are sharp,” he writes, “From the seed of the idea to finally hitting ‘Publish,’ you might spend several days or maybe even a week ‘writing’ a blog post, but it’s important to spend those vital hours planning your post and even thinking about your post (yes, thinking counts as working if you’re a blogger) before you actually write it.”

Make it relevant!

If you own an auto body repair shop, it may not make sense to post a blog about your favourite types of pizza. Yes, you may be a huge fan of pizza. And yes, your blog may elicit some strong responses. However, it may not necessarily generate much interest in your business. It’s wise to keep your blog topics relevant to your industry and the target audience of your company.

“Whether your new blog post is a stand-alone article or part of a series you’re writing, it should fit into your blog categories as well as your overall corporate content strategy,” says Debbie Hemley on, “Meaning that you want to stay on topic and have your posts fit into the categories you’ve established.”

Proofread! Then proofread again!

Once you’ve finished writing your blog, your work is still not finished. It’s very important to go over your piece with a fine tooth comb. Make sure all spelling, grammar and punctuation is correct and check to see that all of your links are working. The art of proofreading should not be underestimated!

“Like other forms of writing, a blog post is rarely completed in one draft,” writes Hemley, “Many writers find it helpful to take a post through several revisions and fine-tune the post as you go along.”

Looking for an expert blogger? Please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-888-MELOTEL or use the Live Chat feature on our website!

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