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The Importance Of Keeping Your Website In Tip Top Shape

What exactly does it mean to keep your website in tip top shape? At MeloTel, the way we see it is that particular attention needs to be paid to two important facets of your website: its content and its design. Neglecting to update either of these two facets on a regular basis will have its visitors thinking that your company is slacking. In other words, they won’t be quick to return, leaving your business with fewer opportunities to welcome new customers.

Why is it so important to keep your website’s content fresh? There are many reasons to update the content on your company website. One of the most important is that it helps for the site to rank higher in search engines. When curious web users type key words that are relevant to your business into Google, your site stands a better chance of being listed at the top when its content is fresh.

Of course, the higher your site ranks in search engines, the more opportunities you give it to welcome new visitors. The more visitors you welcome, the more likely you are to transition them into paying customers.

A website with freshly updated content also gives a much better impression of your brand. Consider the opinion you have of a website that hasn’t updated in months…or even years! If you visit a site and its last blog was posted months ago, it gives the impression that nothing is happening with that business. Some may even assume that it has closed its doors!

Updating your website is the best way to guarantee a new visitor that your business is not only operational, but on the cutting edge. Blogging is highly heralded as today’s best way to not only keep content fresh, but keep the public engaged with your brand.

Why is it so important to update your website’s design? Updating the design of your website isn’t going to happen as frequently as you update its content – nor should it. You want to treat your website similarly to the way you would treat your physical business location. It’s going to need a bit of a makeover every now and again. Moving things around and updating the design helps to keep interest alive. Not to mention, it proves that you’re forward-thinking and innovative.

It’s also important to avoid some of the things that turn web users away. For example, you’ll want to ensure that your website is easy to navigate and is complete with tabs that will help visitors find exactly what they’re looking for. As well, you want to ensure that your site has a sleek and professional colour scheme. One that’s too busy or oversaturated with images may come off as obnoxious and undesirable.

Also, it’s super important to make your website mobile-friendly. Don’t forget that, these days, many people browse the internet on smartphones and tablets. Making your website compatible with such devices is imperative to getting it to be a popular destination for people who are interested in what your company has to offer.

At MeloTel, we offer Website Maintenance Services that provide your website with the personal attention it needs at a fraction of the costs generally charged by full-time web designers. Allow our expert team to complete your ongoing web-related tasks that might be taking your time away from the business needs that you’re an expert at handling.

You’ll also be happy to know that our Bloggers & Creative Writers For Hire are experts at adding valuable content to your website on a regular basis! For more information about how MeloTel can keep your company website in tip top shape, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-888-MELOTEL or use the Live Chat feature on our website!

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