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How Does Blogging Beef Up Your Business?

You might have noticed that MeloTel is a big proponent for blogging. Not only do we post a new blog nearly every business day of the week, but we offer blogging as a service to our clients all over North America. For the better part of the past decade, our talented Bloggers & Creative Writers For Hire have been composing thought-provoking blogs for clients from a wide variety of industries.

What’s the big deal about blogging?

In today’s business world, a blog is representative of a company’s voice. And companies need voices to effectively communicate with members of their target audiences. You see, these days, consumers want more than the products and services they intend on buying. They want to grow their relationships with the people they do business with. It’s important for consumers to feel valued by those they give their money to.

Your blog allows you to offer expertise in ways that your standard customer service practices cannot. Enter the power of the internet. In 2018 and beyond, consumers are prone to jumping online to browse items, compare prices and read customer reviews before they make any buying decisions. Your blog helps your website to be found in search engines. It’s known as search engine optimization (SEO). The more content you add to your site, the better!

“Blogs increase your SEO,” affirms, “Fresh content is still a key to beating out your competitors in the search engine results page. Use keywords in your articles. List out the keywords, topics, and categories you want your business to be found with. Use these words, and related expressions when writing your posts…Keywords and topics on your website are a significant way in which Google (and other search engines) find your site for these searched words.”

What can you blog about?

The most truthful answer is that you can blog about anything you like! It makes the most sense, of course, for the content to be relevant to your business. Keep in mind that you don’t want your blogs to read like they are commercials. It’s fine to highlight the benefits of your products and services every now and again, but the overall objective of a blog post is to offer readers some valuable insight that will help to endear them to your business.

You’re an expert in your field. Your blog should communicate that. It should be a place where people go to receive intriguing, one-of-a-kind information. As mentioned, your blog is your “voice”. It’s is meant to help to provide your brand with a personality that will make others want to get to know it.

“Don’t be afraid to get personal,” advises Christina Gillick on, “Do you have a lesson or insight to share? Did something happen this morning that relates to your business? Do you do something quirky to spread the news of your product? Write about those things.”

Get MeloTel writing your blog for you!

We’d love to help you beef up your business with a new blog! For information about MeloTel’s Bloggers & Creative Writers For Hire, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-888-MELOTEL or use the Live Chat feature on our website!

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