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Feedback Plays A Crucial Role In Your Call Centre’s Success

Call centre phone agents play a critical role in providing customer service and support to customers. They often bear the brunt of customer frustration and dissatisfaction. For this reason, it is important for call centre managers to provide regular and helpful feedback to their phone agents. Doing so helps them improve their performance, build their confidence and provide better service to customers.

Improving performance.

Regular and helpful feedback can help phone agents identify areas for improvement and develop new skills. For example, if an agent is having trouble handling difficult customers, feedback from a manager can help them learn new techniques for handling these situations and provide better service. With ongoing feedback, agents can continuously improve their performance and provide better service to customers.

Building confidence.

Feedback can also help build confidence in phone agents. When agents receive positive feedback, it reinforces their strengths. It can motivate them to continue providing high-quality service. On the other hand, constructive feedback can help agents overcome their weaknesses and build confidence in their abilities.

Promoting customer satisfaction.

Providing regular and helpful feedback to phone agents can help promote customer satisfaction. By helping agents improve their performance and build confidence, call centre managers can ensure that customers receive better service and support. This leads to higher levels of customer satisfaction.

Encouraging professional growth.

Feedback can also help phone agents grow professionally. By providing regular feedback and support, call centre managers can help agents develop new skills, advance in their careers and take on new responsibilities. This can help to create a positive and supportive work environment where agents are motivated and engaged in their work.

Enhancing communication.

Feedback can also help to enhance communication between call centre managers and phone agents. By providing regular feedback, managers can stay in touch with their agents, understand their needs and concerns, and provide support and guidance when needed. This can help to build a positive and supportive relationship between managers and agents. Ultimately, better performance and improved customer service is achieved.

Promoting teamwork.

Feedback can also help to promote teamwork among call centre phone agents. By providing regular and helpful feedback, call centre managers can help agents collaborate and work together more effectively. This generates better performance and improved customer service.

Reducing turnover.

Regular and helpful feedback can also help to reduce turnover among call centre phone agents. When agents receive regular feedback and support, they feel valued and appreciated. They become less likely to leave their job. This can help to reduce turnover and save costs associated with hiring and training new agents.

Monitor Whisper Panel makes giving feedback a breeze!

MeloTel’s Monitor Whisper Panel allows for calls to be heard live and for feedback to be given immediately. The “monitor” portion of the service allows call centre managers to listen to both parties on the call undetected. The “whisper” portion of the service lets managers drop in to live calls and coach phone agents on the spot. They can “whisper” suggestions or jump into the conversation whenever a rep is in need of assistance. Supervisors can even “barge in” to immediately assist and resolve any pending issues.

To learn more about Monitor Whisper Panel, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-888-MELOTEL or email