Industry News, MeloTel Features

Why Is Blogging So Important To The Modern Day Business?

It can be hard to remember that the word “blog” was originally derived from the combination of two words: “web log”. To put it plainly, a blog is the logging of one’s thoughts on the internet. It’s an article that’s available for viewing specifically online. But, in today’s world, blogs are so much more than that. They’ve become integral parts of the marketing strategies of companies of all sizes worldwide.

How does a blog help for a company to market itself? You’re probably no stranger to the term “content marketing”. These days, people are lot less swayed by television commercials than they used to be. Don’t get us wrong, we’re certain that businesses that invest money in such expensive ads still reap the benefits of their wide-reaching abilities. However, marketing a business through direct communications with the public is a thing now – a big thing!

A blog is a company’s way of making personal connections with members of its target audience. Because blogs can range from opinion pieces to lists of tips and advice to takes on current events to information about products and services, they have the ability to communicate about a wide range of topics in a variety of ways. In other words, blogs become the voices of the companies they represent.

Blogs are a lot less formal than standard advertising. They’re generally written in conversational speech and provide greater personal insight into the “character” of a brand. Of course, blogs are also great marketing tools because they help for company websites to gain more hits in search engines. When companies post blogs about relevant topics that include relevant keywords, they are a lot more likely to be found in Google searches.

How are blogs important parts of social media? One of the reasons that blogs are such effective parts of modern-day marketing strategies is because of their ability to be spread so quickly. It can be argued that no one is unfamiliar with the likes of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. These social media platforms are used on a daily basis by people all over the world to communicate what are often their innermost thoughts.

When businesses use social media, they too are able to communicate thoughts and engage in conversations. Experts agree that social media provide opportunities to be social – they aren’t meant as avenues for overt advertisements. Since blogs are meant to contain interesting and informative content, they work to get people talking. And when companies utilize their social media profiles to post links to their blogs, they get people clicking.

Naturally, the more visits to a website that a company gets, the more opportunity it has to convert visitors into paying customers. At MeloTel, our Bloggers & Creative Writers For Hire have many years under their belts writing blogs and engaging social media users for companies across North America. And we’re convinced that they can help you to enjoy greater success in growing the reach of your company.

For more information about how our team can begin blogging for your company, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-888-MELOTEL or use the Live Chat feature on our website!

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