Industry News, MeloTel Features

Avoiding Having Your Website Seem Like A Stale Piece Of Bread

In today’s world, the strength of your online presence counts for a lot. In fact, it can be argued that there is no more important way to represent your business than to have its website and social media accounts looking their absolute best. The majority of modern-day consumers browse products and services online before visiting brick-and-mortar store locations to make their purchases. And many of them don’t even bother with the visits, opting to buy online instead.

How strong is your company website?

The answer can likely be found in just how often it is updated. Do you leave the content on your website alone for months on end allowing it to get stale? If it sounds like we’ve strangely compared your website to a piece of bread that was left over the weekend on a kitchen counter, you’re following us correctly. In truth, there isn’t much difference! A rarely-updated website provides the impression that nothing is new, fresh or interesting about your brand.

Even worse, it may connote that your business isn’t even functioning. Believe it or not, most internet users who land on websites, and find that the most recent blog entries were from months back, quickly hop on to other websites. “This business isn’t up to much” is the popular thought. Furthermore, if the displays, graphics and images never change up, it gives the impression that you have nothing new to offer.

Don’t assume that new visitors won’t notice old content.

If you’re under the impression that only regular visitors will recognize when your website hasn’t been updated in a while, think again. Savvy web users can tell when a company isn’t paying much attention to its online entity. If you’re looking to bore your website’s visitors so that they don’t return, keeping your website stale is a great way to do it.

“If visitors to your website perceive that your content is not fresh, they may look at it once and more likely they will not return again,” says, “It’s like the difference between a brochure and a newspaper, a customer may pick up a brochure and read through it once, she may even save the brochure, but believe me, she will not be pulling it out once a month to read through it again, and after a period of time will probably forget she even has it.”

A stale website hurts SEO rankings.

In addition to pointing out that a stale website will encourage visitors to leave and never come back, also notes that other websites may not link to you. With fresh content, other blog writers will be a lot more likely to reference your work. Naturally, this will help to grow your SEO rankings, eliciting a larger group of followers.

Not to mention, by not updating your website, you simply allow your competition to look better than you. “Even if they are not updating their websites, if they were to start tomorrow, where would that leave you?” asks

Allow MeloTel to help you maintain a fresh and regularly-updated website to impress both your new and old visitors! For information about our Website Maintenance Services, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-888-MELOTEL or use the Live Chat feature on our website!

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