Industry News, MeloTel Features

3 Good Reasons To Start Blogging Now

In our last blog, we highlighted some of the most beneficial aspects of having a regularly-updated blog on your website. Your blog can be a game changer. It can mean the difference between your website being visited on a regular basis or being abandoned forever!

Think about it. What is the impression you have of a website that never updates? For many internet users, a stale and stagnant website is as good as an “out of business” sign. It’s important for your site to have new content in order to encourage repeat visits. You’ll notice that the MeloTel Blog is updated no less than four times a week! We recommend at least weekly blogging to keep things fresh.

Here are three good reasons to start blogging now:

1. It establishes you as an industry expert.

Most consumers want to support reliable brands. Remember that, as a business owner, you’re not just someone who offers products and services – you’re an expert in your field. At least, you should be! People should feel confident that they can come to you with questions, knowing they’ll get knowledgeable answers. Your expertise is what will help your business to grow its reputation and thrive in the long run. Your blog is a great way to show your expertise off!

“Your blog posts can demonstrate your expertise in a particular subject area by sharing high-quality and relevant information with your readers,” says Alyssa Gregory on, “Over time, you can become known as a go-to resource that provides consistent and useful information to help your readers learn about new tools and resources, solve tough challenges and advance their own businesses.”

2. It’s an excellent marketing strategy.

It’s all about content marketing these days. By having relevant content on your site, you help for it to enjoy increased traffic. The more visitors to your site, the more opportunities you have for people to check out the products and services you have to offer. And, naturally, the more interest your offerings gain, the more phone calls from new customers you take!

On, Wanda Coustas reveals the findings of a content marketing survey. 52 percent of respondents agreed that blogging was their most critical content marketing tactic. “Blogging was followed by email newsletters (40%), social media content (40%), then ebooks, in-person events, and webinars,” she informs, “And video? Only 30% of respondents consider video to be vital.”

3. It fosters greater communication with your customer base.

Not every consumer is going to contact your business the first time he/she hears about it. Not every social media user is going to like or comment on your posts. However, when you start blogging, you encourage readers to respond to what you’ve written. This is especially the case when your blog has a comment section.

“One of the best parts of a successful business blog is the communication, collaboration and sharing that can take place in the comments,” notes Gregory, “Facilitating an active comments area on your blog by posting and responding to comments can help you create a community with shared interests, and learn a great deal about your audience in the process.”

Let MeloTel start your blogging now! For information about our Bloggers & Creative Writers For Hire, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-888-MELOTEL or simply fill out our New Blogging Client Questionnaire!

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