MeloTel Features

5 Reasons To Update Your Website For Fall

Fall is here! Okay, so fall isn’t quite here yet. But when September begins, it really does feel like the beginning of a new season, doesn’t it? The kids certainly must feel this way. After all, they’re all back in school as of this week. So to students, the summer is over. There are obviously many other factors that contribute to the reality that the summer is fading away. The rain in Toronto today is practically symbolic of what is to come.

If it sounds like we’re somewhat in a bit of a huff over the fact that summer is ending…you’d be right. We love summer! Nevertheless, the beginning of a new season is something to be celebrated. This is especially true if you are a business owner. At MeloTel, we believe that it’s always a good idea to change things up along with the changing of the seasons. Making changes speaks to the interests of your clients. After all, many people love the fall!

More importantly, the changes that you make communicate that you are keeping up with the times – literally. Imagine what it would look like to log on to your website and see an advertisement for your “Special Summer Sale” in the middle of October. Change is good people! And as you may have guessed, changing up your website is probably the first thing you should do to highlight the fact that your company is staying on top of things. Here are five reasons why.

1. It keeps you current. As mentioned, it looks bad when people visit your website and see outdated information, expired sales events and promotions or imagery that is not in keeping with the current date. Yes, summer is still here until the 22nd of the month. But a little fall-themed imagery on your website will showcase your brand’s ability to stay ahead of the game. Accompany the site’s changes with a special fall promotion and you’re sure to garner attention.

2. It highlights new promotions. The changing of the seasons mark the perfect times for your company to launch new promotions. There are numerous holidays on the way – Thankgiving and Halloween, just to name a couple. The various ways that you can promote new sales events, discounts and specials are practically endless. A change to your website is necessary in order to adequately launch your promotional campaigns for fall.

3. It strengthens your first point of contact. It needs to be stressed that in 2014, the majority of your new customers will have heard of your brand for the first time online. Your company website, therefore, should be regarded as your first point of contact with your clients. Is it impressive? Is it welcoming? And does it encourage repeat visits? Updating your site with fall-themed ideas will help to make potential clients interested in visiting you in person.

4. It addresses your customers’ moods. This may surprise you. When seasons change, so do the moods of everyone you know. It’s just a different feeling to go outside in a pair of shorts and t-shirt than the one that comes along with bundling up to protect yourself from the chill. Believe it or not, when your website reflects the changes in the weather, it helps people to enjoy the season more. After all, who doesn’t love the colours of the fall regardless of how cold it gets?

5. It’s affordable. Many business owners tend to neglect updating their websites because of the costs. At MeloTel, we not only recognize the need for business owners to keep their sites fresh, but we understand their needs to remain within certain budgets. As a result, our Affordable Website Maintenance Plans guarantee our clients that they will never exceed their budgets while maintaining their sites.

For more information, contact MeloTel at 1-888-MELOTEL!