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5 More Phone Etiquette Tips That Will Improve Your Customer Service

In our last blog, we revisited the ever-important topic of phone etiquette and listed a number of ways you can improve your customer service. At MeloTel, we feel strongly that following these simple tips will greatly help any call centre business or other company that predominantly engages with its customers over the phone. But you can never give enough good advice, right? In today’s blog, we’ll conclude our list of tips.

Here are five more:

1. Return every phone call as promptly as possible.

No one likes waiting, especially in today’s world where people are used to getting things immediately. This is true for how people consume news and entertainment. A quick scroll through one’s social media account will usually provide all of the latest tidbits on current events complete with videos. So when it comes to returning your messages, be sure to do so quickly. These days, people know they have other options and aren’t likely to wait very long to receive replies.

2. Watch the slang, man!

Slang terms are best reserved for people you know personally. In fact, it’s always wise to match the caller’s speech patterns. If he/she is comfortable enough with you to use certain slang terms, it may even be a good idea for you to engage. However, as a rule of thumb, ditch the slang terms and keep the conversations professional. Of course, you may keep it light and affable. But don’t get caught up in chat that will harm the overall impression of your brand.

3. Express empathy.

This was also a recent blog topic. Remember that you’re human and so is the person you’re speaking with. He/she has feelings. Acknowledge them when necessary. This includes moments when it’s appropriate to address an issue caused by your company: “I’m sorry you received the shipment late. If I were in your shoes, I’d be frustrated as well.” It also includes commenting on personal dilemmas: “I’m so very sorry to hear of your cousin’s passing. Please accept my sincere condolences.”

4. Smile before you dial.

In yet another recent blog, we revisited the importance of smiling on the phone. When you smile, it works wonders in the tone department. You can’t help but sound more enthusiastic and friendly. Try a little experiment. Record a message to yourself without smiling. Record a second one with a big smile on your face. Notice any differences? If you’re giving it a good honest try, you’ll hear how much more pleasant your voice sounds when you smile.

5. Speak clearly and slowly when leaving messages.

Another great way to annoy customers is to leave inaudible voice messages. Treat every voice message you leave as if it’s your first for the recipient. That means speaking clearly and slowly, being sure to accurately pronounce each word. This is especially important when leaving your phone number. To be on the safe side, repeat the phone number so that your voicemail’s recipient won’t be required to rewind and replay the message.

For information about MeloTel’s Commercial Phone Services, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-888-MELOTEL or use the Live Chat feature on our website!

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