Industry News, MeloTel Features, Social Media

3 Signs You’re Not Updating Your Social Media Accounts Enough

At MeloTel, we update our Facebook and Twitter accounts on an almost daily basis. The way we see it, it’s important to, at the very least, show the world how active our company is. To many, not being active on social media is a possible sign that a business isn’t functioning at all. It may sound odd, but it’s true. It’s important to update your social media accounts on a very regular basis. So, are you?

Here are three signs you’re not updating your social media accounts enough:

1. Your followers aren’t fully aware of what you offer.

What does your business do? What does your company offer? How reputable is your brand? These are questions that consumers should easily know the answers to. If you’re rarely on social media, those answers may not be so easy to come by. Regular posting should include comments, photos and videos that all provide insight into what your business is all about.

“You’re passionate about your company, why not educate your clients/customers about it as well,” asks Kelly Kenders of NEXTFLY Web Design, “Share fun facts, new employees, new products and history of your company. Post anything to educate them on your services and or products. This will require less research on their end and drive them to your company because of the ease it is for them to learn about you.”

2. You’re not receiving enough support from local consumers.

It should probably go without saying that the majority of the people who visit your place of business likely reside in the communities that are close by. Are you noticing a slowdown in foot traffic? Are you finding that people who live near your store don’t seem to support it in ways you hope for? Your social media activity can strongly influence people to show up a lot more often.

“Much like reputation management, local search intersects with social media websites as well,” writes Corey Morris of Search Engine Journal, “By focusing on the right social media sites that intersect with importance for local search in your industry, you can maintain the importance of both and craft the right strategy for data accuracy and ongoing posting and engagement.”

3. You’re not generating enough referrals.

We just suggested that your company requires local support to thrive. But the true beauty of utilizing social media comes by way of the support you receive from people who live far away. The power of the internet provides you with far-reaching capabilities. Do you have an online store? If so, social media engagement is a must. It gets people talking about your brand. And there’s nothing better than word of mouth promotion to grow your business!

“There are millions on social media platforms and never a shortage of people to reach out to when looking for new clients or interacting with current ones,” says Kenders, “Positive connections and posts, will attract your current customers and can generate referrals from them.”

Not much for being on social media each day? Let MeloTel handle your regular posting duties for you! Our Bloggers & Creative Writers For Hire happen to provide Social Media Content & Posting. For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-888-MELOTEL or use the Live Chat feature on our website!

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