Industry News, MeloTel News

3 Reasons That Customer Service Is So Important

Just in case we haven’t already made in abundantly clear, MeloTel prides itself on providing top-of-the-line customer service. Yes, we’re incredibly proud of our cloud-hosted solutions to all of our customers’ telecom needs. But, it’s the daily interactions we have with our customers that truly help to set our business apart. To us, customer service is the key ingredient to being successful. And we’re happy to say that many of our customers practice the same principles.

Here are three reasons that customer service is so important:

1. It turns first-time customers into loyal fans. In our opinion, exceptional customer service is the most important characteristic of a business. When customers are genuinely pleased and even excited about doing business with certain brands, it encourages them to keep coming back. Remember that the old adage “you only get one chance to make a good first impression” is entirely true in the business world.

When a customer visits you for the first time, it marks an opportunity to turn that individual into a lifelong fan. It’s all in your approach. Did you smile during your interaction? Did you ask for his/her name? Did you express gratitude for his/her interest in your company? Some of the simple gestures suggested here make for great ways to make a great first impression. Even if you don’t have what your customers are looking for, your personality can go a long way in making them come back.

2. It marks the most significant difference between you and your competitors. Let’s be honest. There is a good chance that what you sell can be purchased in places other than your store. So what marks the true difference between you and the competition? It’s all about how you make your customers feel. Consider the following scenario. You walk into a clothing store looking for a specific colour and size of a particular brand name sweater.

The store associate you speak to points you in the general direction of where that item may or may not be located. You walk into another clothing store looking for that same item. This employee, however, greets you with a smile and perhaps even a pleasantry like “how’s your day going?” He/she then proceeds to walk you over to the section where the item is located in order to hand one to you personally. Which of the two stores are you most likely to visit again?

3. It rapidly grows your reputation. Never let it be lost on you that we’re living in a very internet-crazed world. That means that nearly everything can be found online. And that includes both positive and negative reviews of your business. When customers are happy with their experiences, they’re usually quick to reveal their stories about them on their Facebook and Twitter accounts. And when they’re dissatisfied, they’re even more likely to expose the details!

Research has shown that it is more common for unhappy customers to tell others about their bad experiences than for happy customers to tell others about their good experiences. Negative word of mouth is most definitely something you’ll want your company to avoid. Positive word of mouth, on the other hand, is arguably the best possible type of advertising your business can receive. Great customer service often breeds just that. And that’s no April Fools joke!

At MeloTel, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional customer service.  For your own dose of it, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-888-MELOTEL or use the “Live Chat Support” feature on our website!

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