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The Importance Of Composing Compelling Product Descriptions

You know how great your products are. But how do you communicate their high-quality status, their effectiveness and their solution-providing abilities that make them worth buying? You know how you feel about the items you sell. But how do you get the members of your target audience to feel the same way? After all, you’re a business owner, not a wordsmith. Conveying your thoughts through the written word isn’t exactly your strong suit.

Nevertheless, it’s important to compose compelling product descriptions on your website. It’s not enough to simply show pictures of your products – although it’s definitely a good idea to have photos. Your product descriptions are necessary to tantalize your website’s visitors into wanting to know more about them – or better yet, wanting to purchase them. Simply put, the better your product descriptions are, the more sales you’re going to make.

What are the elements of a compelling product description? The first thing we’d suggest is to create an emotional attachment between the reader and your product. Relate your product to emotional experiences that you believe your target audience members can relate to. For example, if you sell bicycles, your product description may want to include such terms as “childhood rides through the park”, “bright summer days” and “summer vacations with friends”.

All of these phrases help for readers to conjure up memories of good times they may have had while riding their bikes. Your product is no longer simply an item for sale – it’s a generator of fun experiences that can become fond memories. Food items are also great examples of products that can be sold through product descriptions that include emotional language. Would you be interested in a meal that is “just the way mom used to make it”?

What is the importance of buzzwords? Buzzwords are colourful language (not in the bad sense, of course) that gives greater depth to the product description. Sticking with food examples, using such words as decadent, savoury, melt-in-your-mouth or even “bathing the taste buds” are excellent replacements for tasty, good, yummy or “tastes great”. This isn’t to say that you want your product descriptions to get too wordy, you just want them to be…well, descriptive!

How important are product descriptions for SEO? Keep in mind that product descriptions found on your website counts for content. The words used to describe your products will help for search engines to better locate your website. Product photos without any text aren’t exactly popular with Google. For higher rankings, you’ll want your website to include vivid explanations of your products and how they can help the lives of your customers.

If you don’t consider yourself much of a writer and can’t find the time to sit and compose all of your product descriptions yourself, MeloTel is here to help. Newly added to the list of services provided by our Bloggers & Creative Writers For Hire is Product & Service Descriptions. Allow our talented writers to come up with the accurate wording for each of your products and services.

Well-written product descriptions can make or break a potential buyer’s interest in making a purchase. Let’s maximize your chances to make sales! For more information about how we can get writing product and service descriptions for you, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-888-MELOTEL or use the Live Chat feature on our website!

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